M&A isn't Always the Answer

Third-party and private equity sales have low close rates, significant tax burdens, and usually result in a loss of independence.

Learn how an ESOP may be the right alternative.

ESOP:  A Tax-Advantaged Liquidity Solution

If tax savings, continuity, and legacy-building are among your transactional goals, an employee stock ownership plan may be your best option.

How can Stakeholders Benefit from Employee Ownership?



Selling shareholders gain liquidity & asset diversification

Can defer capital gains taxes on proceeds

Maintain upside potential & a role in the company



Plan sponsors receive tax deductions on sale amount

Can become income tax-free entities

Get a tool to retain & attract talent



Employees secure a unique retirement benefit (company stock)

Earn real stake in their company

Gain workplace stability & peace of mind

Want to Take a Deeper Dive?


Since 2000, CSG Partners' nationally-recognized, investment banking team has helped private companies capitalize on the benefits of ESOPs.

Business owners often come to us with little knowledge of ESOPs. We get it. Time is tight. But ultimately, if you were considering a liquidity event, wouldn't you want to know all your options?

Join our founder, Larry Kaplan, for a compressive introduction to ESOPs. You'll learn more about key ESOP benefits, tax efficiencies, structures, valuations, financing, and typical "good fits."

We've Guided Companies Nationwide Through ESOP Transactions

From feasibility studies to deal structuring, financing, and closing, our award-winning advisors have helped companies across all industries.

Whether you're actively considering an ESOP or exploring your options, we can help.

Talk to our team today.